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Who Gets the House in a Texas Divorce?
So many questions need to be answered when a couple gets a divorce. Where will their children live? How will they divide their bank accounts and investments? What will happen when it is time for them to retire? One of the most commonly asked questions is what will happen to their home? There is no definitive answer because every couple weighs several factors to help them decide. If you and your spouse are considering divorce but want to understand more about the division of property, speak with an experienced Tarrant County, TX divorce lawyer.
What is Considered Community Property in Texas?
The state of Texas follows a community property model for the division of marital property in a divorce. Community property means anything a couple acquired during their marriage, including income, assets, and debts. Both spouses in a married couple are considered the equal owners of their community property regardless of whether only one of their names appears on the title of an asset or who earned the income.
Can I Be Convicted for Hitting a Pedestrian in a Crosswalk?
In Texas, hitting a pedestrian in a crosswalk can have serious legal consequences. Statistics from 2022 show that pedestrian accidents accounted for 830 deaths and 1,526 injuries. These cases can escalate from mere traffic violations to serious criminal charges. This blog will explore the legal implications of crosswalk accidents. If you were involved in one as a driver, speak with a skilled Tarrant County, TX criminal defense attorney to understand more.
Texas Transportation Laws Addressing Pedestrian Accidents
Several factors need to be considered when determining liability when a pedestrian is involved in an accident in Texas. The Texas Penal Code has several laws that apply, including:
Can Domestic Abuse Impact Your Texas Divorce?
Every day in 2021, 6,113 victims were served by family violence resources across the state of Texas. Unfortunately, there are not enough resources to go around, with more than 1,122 requests for shelter and housing going unmet each day. These numbers are overwhelming, yet it is estimated that only 10-25 percent of survivors of family violence will access services. Family violence can be extremely harmful to all those involved. In some cases, a spouse may have been a victim of domestic abuse for so long that they are afraid to file for divorce.
Abusers often tell their victims that if they try to leave, they will find them and kill them. A spouse who has been physically and emotionally abused for many months or years has every reason to believe this statement and little reason to disbelieve it. If you believe that divorce is the best option for you and your children, it is important to speak to a Dallas family law attorney from Law Office of Michelle Poblenz, who has been handling complex and difficult divorces for many years.
How Are Retirement Funds Divided in a Divorce?
Divorce can be a complex process, especially when it comes to dividing assets. One of the most significant and often overlooked assets in a divorce is retirement savings. A Texas lawyer can help you understand how retirement accounts are divided during a divorce to protect your financial future.
Texas Considers Retirement a Community Property
In Texas, retirement benefits accrued during the marriage are considered community property. This means that regardless of whose name is on the account, both spouses have a right to a portion of the retirement benefits earned during the marriage.
However, it is important to note that not all retirement funds are automatically split 50/50. The court considers several factors when dividing retirement assets:
- Date of marriage: Only the portion of retirement funds acquired during the marriage is subject to division.
- Separate property contributions: Any contributions made to retirement accounts before the marriage or after separation are typically considered separate property.
Can I Get Sole Custody of My Kids in Texas?
No divorce is easy, but divorce between parents can be particularly complicated because it does not only affect the two spouses. In addition to all the other aspects of divorce that need to be decided, like spousal support, division of assets, and retirement funds, divorcing parents also need to work out which parent will have which responsibilities for the children and under what circumstances. While the state of Texas generally prefers some type of joint custody arrangement whenever possible, there are certain scenarios where it is beneficial to the child to be under the sole care of only one parent. If you are headed toward a divorce and want to pursue sole custody, speak with an experienced Tarrant County, TX family law attorney who can help you navigate the process.
What Exactly Is Custody?
There is a bit of confusion surrounding the topic of custody because different states use different terms to mean various aspects of a parenting arrangement. In the state of Texas, custody comprises two sub-categories:
Can I Adopt My Step-Child in Texas?
There are many reasons why someone might consider adoption. In some cases, people might feel they have been waiting too long to find the right person to start a family with, and they believe they can give a parentless child a loving home even without a spouse. In other cases, fertility issues and pregnancy loss might make a couple consider adopting a child. Sometimes, a parent gets married after their child with someone else was born, and that stepparent might want to officially and legally establish their relationship with the child. This article will explain the scenarios in which a child can be adopted in Texas. If you are considering this, speak with an experienced Dallas, TX adoption lawyer who can help you navigate the process.
When Can Adoption Happen in Texas?
There are four main scenarios in which a child can be adopted by someone who is not their biological parent. These scenarios are:
Can Police Search My Car During a Traffic Stop?
Police who suspect someone of possessing illegal drugs are not free to simply search for the evidence they need whenever they want to. They need a search warrant to do so, which needs to be approved by a judge, and for that to happen they first need to demonstrate that they have probable cause. However, there are some exceptions, and your car might be legally searched at a traffic stop depending on the circumstances. Many people are not aware of that and might have what could be considered evidence against them in their car, not realizing it could be searched. If your car was searched during a traffic stop and the police found sufficient evidence to arrest you, speak with a passionate Texas criminal defense lawyer about getting the evidence suppressed.
Probable Cause Vs. Reasonable Suspicion
Before they can search you, your home, or your property, the police need to demonstrate that they have probable cause to suspect that a crime was committed or was going to be committed. Certain extenuating circumstances might provide an exception. If the police suspect you of possessing illegal drugs, they can claim concern that any evidence against you would be destroyed, removed, hidden, or otherwise disappear if you are driving a car and they cannot immediately search it. That means that if the police claim probable cause, they can search your car and your trunk without needing a search warrant.
Considering a Texas Divorce? Here’s What to Do First
Breakups are hard. You might be heartbroken knowing that your happily ever after is not as close as you once thought. When a marriage breaks up, it can feel even more devastating. At one time, you and your spouse were convinced that you were meant to be, you planned a wedding, you got married in front of friends and loved ones, and you embarked on a life together. If you were both working, you may have accumulated some assets along the way. If you are considering divorce, there are some steps you should take before the process officially begins that can help your outcome. You might be feeling sad and disappointed, but the stakes are too high to lead with your heart instead of your brain. Speak with an experienced Dallas, TX divorce lawyer who can explain your options and advise you on how best to move forward.
Step 1: Gather Relevant Financial Documents
You can not figure out what sort of divorce settlement you want until you know what your marital estate contains. You need to know if your spouse has amassed any debt or obtained any assets during your marriage that might be divided among the two of you. It is a good idea to begin collecting bank account statements, tax documentation, titles to a car, deeds to property, paystubs, investment portfolios, and any other financial records and keeping these organized so you can access them if needed.
Will I Need a Car Breathalyzer After a DWI Conviction in Texas?
Getting caught driving while intoxicated (DWI) in Texas can mean heavy fines, driver’s license suspension, and/or prison time. In some cases, a judge will order the defendant’s car to be outfitted with a breathalyzer, otherwise known as an ignition interlock device.
This article will discuss what an ignition interlock device is and when it becomes mandatory. If you have been charged with a DWI, contact a Texas criminal defense attorney as soon as possible so you can begin setting up your defense.
What is an Ignition Interlock Device?
As technology evolves, so does the criminal justice system. Some states will adopt a certain technology if it can help prevent further crimes. One of these technologies is the ignition interlock device (IID), which Texas law requires in some DWI cases.
What Are the Two Main Types of Probation in Texas?
The purpose of probation is to give a second chance to people who have been charged with committing a crime. Also referred to as “community supervision,” probation involves programs and restrictions designed to help a person remain part of society and avoid incarceration. Not all crimes are eligible for probation.
Probation rules in Texas can be very different depending on whether the defendant committed a misdemeanor or a felony. In either case, probation violation is very serious and can negatively affect the probationer’s future. Understanding your rights is crucial to getting through probation safely, which is why it is important to retain a criminal defense attorney who is familiar with the criminal justice system.
In Texas, there are two main types of probation: straight probation and deferred adjudication probation.