Pursuing a Sole Managing Conservatorship in Texas
In Texas, a sole managing conservatorship is a legal arrangement where one parent has the exclusive rights and responsibilities for a child. While joint conservatorship is the preferred option in most cases, there are situations where a sole managing conservatorship may be more appropriate. If you are going through a divorce and have concerns regarding child custody and other matters related to family law and divorce, contact a lawyer to secure the legal guidance you can rely on.
Circumstances Where a Sole Managing Conservatorship Makes Sense
Absence or unfitness of the other parent – A sole managing conservatorship may be appropriate when the other parent is absent or deemed unfit to fulfill their parental obligations. This could be due to various factors, such as substance abuse, a history of neglect or abuse, or a pattern of unavailability or disinterest in the child’s well-being. In such cases, granting a sole managing conservatorship to the more capable and responsible parent ensures that the child’s best interests are protected.
Domestic violence or safety concerns – When there is a history of domestic violence or safety concerns, a sole managing conservatorship may be necessary to protect the child from the threat of harm. If one parent has a documented history of abusive behavior or poses a danger to the child’s safety, granting sole managing conservatorship to the other parent can provide a more secure and stable environment for the child’s upbringing. This arrangement can help safeguard the child’s physical and emotional well-being.
Geographical distance or parental disagreements – A sole managing conservatorship may be appropriate when the parents live in different geographical locations or have significant disagreements regarding the child’s upbringing. When joint decision-making is impractical or leads to constant conflicts, granting sole managing conservatorship to one parent can provide clarity and stability for the child’s routine and decision-making process. This arrangement allows for the more efficient negative impact of ongoing parental disputes on the child’s well-being.
Contact a Dallas, TX Child Custody Lawyer
While joint conservatorship is generally preferred in Texas, there are circumstances where a sole managing conservatorship may be the most suitable option. These situations include the absence or unfitness of the other parent, domestic violence or safety concerns, and significant geographic distance or parental disagreements. Consulting with the Tarrant County family law attorney at Law Office of Michelle Poblenz is an excellent first step in pursuing the custody agreement most advantageous to you and your situation. Call 469-845-3031 for a private consultation.